American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE)
Building a sustainable energy future
Washington, DC
The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy is an independent, nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing energy efficiency as a means of promoting both economic prosperity and environmental protection. For information about ACEEE and its programs, publications, and conferences, contact ACEEE, 1001 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 801, Washington, D.C. 20036-5525

American Forests
Growing a healthier world
Washington, DC
American Forests is a world leader in planting trees for environmental restoration, a pioneer in the science and practice of urban forestry, and a primary communicator of the benefits of trees and forests. American Forests is the nation's oldest citizens' conservation organization. Citizens concerned about the waste and abuse of the nation's forests founded American Forests in 1875. Today, the organization's primary campaigns are "Tree-Planting for Environmental Restoration" and "Reversing the National Urban Tree Deficit," which encourage people to improve rural, suburban, and urban ecosystems by planting and caring for trees that provide important environmental and economic benefits including pure water, clean air, and wildlife habitat.

Center for Biological Diversity
Protecting endangered species and wild places
Tucson, AZ
The Center for Biological Diversity believes that the health and vigor of human societies and the integrity and wildness of the natural environment are closely linked. Beyond their extraordinary intrinsic value, animals and plants, in their distinctness and variety, offer irreplaceable emotional and physical benefits to our lives and play an integral part in culture. Their loss, which parallels the loss of diversity within and among human civilizations, impoverishes us beyond repair. Combining conservation biology with litigation, policy advocacy, and an innovative strategic vision, the Center for Biological Diversity is working to secure a future for animals and plants hovering on the brink of extinction, for the wilderness they need to survive, and by extension for the spiritual welfare of generations to come.

Conservation International
Conserving Earth's living heritage and global diversity
Washington, DC
Founded in 1987, Conservation International (CI) is an innovative leader in global biodiversity conservation. Our mission is to conserve the Earth's living heritage, our global biodiversity, and to demonstrate that human societies are able to live harmoniously with nature. We apply innovations in science, economics, policy and community participation to protect the Earth's richest regions of plant and animal diversity in the biodiversity hotspots, high-biodiversity wilderness areas as well as important marine regions around the globe. CI believes that Earth's natural heritage must be maintained if future generations are to thrive spiritually, culturally and economically. With headquarters in Washington, D.C., CI works in more than 40 countries on four continents.

Co-op America
Economic action for a just planet
Washington, DC
Founded in 1982, Co-op America's mission is to harness economic power-- the strength of consumers, investors, businesses, and the marketplace-- to create a socially just and environmentally sustainable society. We work for a world where all people have enough, where all communities are healthy and safe, and where the bounty of the Earth is preserved for all the generations to come. Co-op America is leading the way toward a more just and sustainable society. Together we have directed over $100 million in purchases to socially and environmentally responsible businesses that are the core of the living economy and channeled over $500 million in investments to community development financial institutions, including banks, credit unions, and loan funds.

Defenders of Wildlife
Dedicated to the protection of all native wild animals and plants
Washington, DC
Defenders of Wildlife is dedicated to the protection of all native wild animals and plants in their natural communities. We focus our programs on what scientists consider two of the most serious environmental threats to the planet: the accelerating rate of extinction of species and the associated loss of biological diversity, and habitat alteration and destruction. Long known for our leadership on endangered species issues, Defenders of Wildlife also advocates new approaches to wildlife conservation that will help keep species from becoming endangered. Our programs encourage protection of entire ecosystems and interconnected habitats while protecting predators that serve as indicator species for ecosystem health.

Earth Day Network
Every day for everybody
Washington, DC
Founded by the organizers of the first Earth Day in 1970, Earth Day Network (EDN) promotes environmental citizenship and year round progressive action worldwide. EDN broadens the environmental movement worldwide and educates and mobilizes people, governments, and corporations to take responsibility for a clean and healthy environment. Through Earth Day Network, activists connect, interact, and impact their communities, and create positive change in local, national, and global policies. EDN's international network reaches over 12,000 organizations in 174 countries, while the domestic program keeps over 3,000 groups and over 100,000 educators coordinating millions of community development and environmental protection activities throughout the year.

Because the Earth needs a good lawyer
Oakland, CA
Earthjustice is a public interest law firm dedicated to protecting the magnificent places, natural resources, and wildlife of this earth and to defending the right of all people to a healthy environment. We bring about far-reaching change by enforcing and strengthening environmental laws on behalf of hundreds of organizations and communities. Earthjustice works through the courts to safeguard public lands, national forests, parks, and wilderness areas; to reduce air and water pollution; to prevent toxic contamination; and to preserve endangered species and wildlife habitat. Founded in 1971 as Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund, Earthjustice has played a leading role in shaping the development of environmental law.

Earth Island Institute
Conservation, preservation, restoration
San Francisco, CA
Earth Island Institute (EEI) develops and supports projects that counteract threats to the biological and cultural diversity that sustain the environment. Through education and activism, these projects promote the conservation, preservation, and restoration of the Earth. Founded in 1982 by veteran environmentalist David Brower, Earth Island Institute fosters the efforts of creative individuals by providing organizational support in developing projects for the conservation, preservation, and restoration of the global environment. EII provides activists the freedom to develop program ideas, supported by services to help them pursue those ideas, with a minimum of bureaucracy.

Earth Share
One environment. One simple way to care for it
Bethesda, MD
Earth Share, a nationwide network of America's leading environmental and conservation organizations, works to promote environmental education and charitable giving through workplace giving campaigns. Earth Share was founded in 1988 and today represents more than 400 environmental and conservation groups, including 39 national organizations and hundreds of local groups in 18 affiliate states. Earth Share manages workplace giving campaigns for its national environmental charities to raise vital funds for these organizations. Earth Share's member organizations work hard every day to safeguard your health and the environment, by combating global warming, protecting ancient forests, protecting our water from toxic contaminants, and saving endangered species.

Friends of the Earth USA
The US Voice of the world’s largest network of environmental groups
Friends of the Earth is the U.S. voice of an influential, international network of grassroots groups in 70 countries. Founded in San Francisco in 1969 by David Brower, Friends of the Earth has for decades been at the forefront of high-profile efforts to create a more healthy, just world. Our members were the founders of what is now the world's largest federation of democratically elected environmental groups, Friends of the Earth International.

Greenpeace USA
Tackling the most critical environmental issues
Washington, DC
The Greenpeace Fund works in collaboration with its sister organization, Greenpeace, Inc., the leading independent campaigning organization that uses peaceful direct action and creative communication to expose global environmental problems and to promote solutions that are essential to a green and peaceful future. Greenpeace Fund identifies, researches and monitors issues of importance and develops and implements programs affecting marine mammals, other species, and the environment. The Fund increases public awareness and understanding of environmental issues through the media and other educational programs.

Global Green USA
Fostering a global value shift toward a sustainable and secure future
Santa Monica, CA
Global Green USA (GG USA) is the US affiliate of Green Cross International (GCI), a global environmental movement founded by Mikhail Gorbachev in 1993. Global Green USA addresses three of the greatest challenges facing humanity: stemming global climate change by creating green buildings and cities; eliminating weapons of mass destruction that threaten lives and the environment; and providing clean, safe drinking water for the 2.4 billion people who lack access to clean water. Global Green's unique approach merges innovative research, community-based projects, and targeted advocacy that educates hundreds of millions of people annually, leverages billions of dollars for environmental initiatives, and implements ground-breaking environmental policy.

Humane Farming Association
Leading the national campaign to protect farm animals and the environment
San Rafael, CA
Informing citizens about environmental problems
The National Environmental Trust (NET) is a non-partisan organization established in 1994 to inform citizens about environmental problems and how they affect our health and quality of life. NET's public education campaigns use modern communication techniques and the latest scientific studies to translate complex environmental issues for citizens. Furthermore, NET works in states across the country to localize the impacts of national problems, as well as to highlight opportunities for Americans to engage in the policymaking process.

National Parks Conservation Association
Protecting our national parks for future generations
Washington, DC 20036
The mission of the National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA) is to protect and enhance America's National Park System for present and future generations. Established in 1919, the NPCA is an independent, nonpartisan voice working to address major threats facing the National Park System. We advocate for the national parks and the National Park Service; educate decision-makers and the public about the importance of preserving the parks; help to convince members of Congress to uphold the laws that protect the parks and in support of new legislation to address threats to the parks; fight attempts to weaken these laws in the courts; and we assess the health of the parks and park management to better inform our advocacy work.

National Religious Partnership for the Environment
Integrating care for God's creation throughout religious life
Amherst, MA
Established in 1993, the National Religious Partnership for the Environment is an association of independent faith groups across a broad spectrum: the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, the National Council of Churches U.S.A., the Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life, and the Evangelical Environmental Network. Each partner - in common biblical faith but drawing upon its distinctive traditions - undertakes scholarship, leadership training, congregational and agency initiative, and public policy education in service to environmental sustainability and justice. Together, they seek to offer resources of religious life and moral vision to a universal effort to protect humankind's common home and well-being on Earth.

The Nature Conservancy
Saving the last great places on Earth
Arlington, VA
Founded in 1951, The Nature Conservancy is the leading conservation organization working to protect the most ecologically important lands and waters around the world for nature and people. Using a non-confrontational, collaborative approach, they work closely with partners, corporations, indigenous people and traditional communities all over the world. Their science-based plan works to achieve tangible results while striving to exercise integrity beyond reproach and to operate openly and transparently.

Protecting the World’s Oceans
Oceana campaigns to protect and restore the world's oceans. Our teams of marine scientists, economists, lawyers and advocates win specific and concrete policy changes to reduce pollution and to prevent the irreversible collapse of fish populations, marine mammals and other sea life. Global in scope, Oceana has campaigners based in North America (Washington, DC; Juneau, AK; Los Angeles, CA), Europe (Madrid, Spain; Brussels, Belgium) and South America (Santiago, Chile). More than 300,000 members and e-activists in over 150 countries have already joined Oceana.

Population Action International
Strengthening political and financial support for population programs
Washington, DC
Population Action International (PAI) is an independent policy advocacy group working to strengthen political and financial support worldwide for population programs grounded in individual rights. Founded in 1965, PAI is committed to advancing universal access to family planning and related health services and to educational and economic opportunities, especially for girls and women. PAI fosters the development of U.S. and international policy on urgent population and reproductive health issues through an integrated program of research, advocacy and communications. PAI disseminates strategic, action-oriented research publications; participates in and sponsors conferences, meetings and seminars; and works to educate and inform policymakers and international colleagues in related fields.

Rainforest Alliance
Innovative solutions for global conservation
New York
Founded in 1987, the Rainforest Alliance protects ecosystems and the people and wildlife that depend on them by transforming land-use practices, business practices and consumer behavior. Companies, cooperatives and landowners that participate in our programs meet rigorous standards that conserve biodiversity and provide sustainable livelihoods. We work with people whose livelihoods depend on the land, helping them transform the way they grow food, harvest wood and host travelers. We set standards for sustainability that conserve wildlife and wildlands and promote the well-being of workers and their communities. In more than 50 countries around the world, the Rainforest Alliance is helping communities, businesses and governments to change their land-use practices.

Preserving island environments and culture
Berkeley, CA
Seacology is the world's premier environmental organization with the sole purpose of preserving the highly endangered biodiversity of islands throughout the world. Indigenous people are all too often faced with the dilemma of choosing between protecting their precious natural resources, and economic development. Seacology searches for win-win situations where both the local environment is protected and islanders receive some tangible benefit for doing so. Because we work closely with islanders right from the beginning, our projects enjoy strong local support and consequently lead to long-term benefits. Our ever-expanding list of projects shows that we are truly making a difference in protecting threatened island biodiversity throughout the world.

The Sierra Club Foundation
Explore, enjoy and protect the planet
San Francisco, CA
The Sierra Club Foundation provides financial support to the Sierra Club and other environmental organizations. We fund a range of environmental projects which fall into the three general categories of public education, litigation, and training. Since 1960, The Sierra Club Foundation has funded tens of millions of dollars worth of important work, from small local projects costing a couple of hundred dollars, to large, multi-year campaigns which require millions of dollars to support. Our work reflects the core values of people everywhere; we all have a right to a safe and healthy environment, clean air, clean water, open space, wild lands, and a healthy and diverse ecosystem.

Sustainable Conservation
Because the environment is everyone's business
San Francisco, CA
Sustainable Conservation partners with business, agriculture and government leaders to find practical ways that the private sector can protect clean air, clean water and healthy ecosystems. The award-winning nonprofit organization leads powerful collaborations that produce lasting, win-win solutions to critical environmental problems. By promoting effective business and agricultural practices throughout California, Sustainable Conservation and its partners can shift entire industries toward environmental stewardship.

Student Conservation Association
Developing a new generation of conservation leaders and inspiring lifelong stewardship
Charlestown, NH
The Student Conservation Association (SCA) is a nationwide conservation force of college and high school volunteers who protect and restore America's parks, forests, and other public lands. Since 1957, SCA's hands-on approach to conservation has helped to develop a new generation of conservation leaders, inspire lifelong stewardship, and save our planet. Each year, SCA members help to protect vital habitats, threatened wildlife, and other at-risk resources in our nation's parks, forests and urban green spaces. This unique experience instills an ethic of conservation and inspires lifelong stewardship that benefits our members, our society and our environment. Annually, SCA has nearly 3,000 volunteers performing over 1.6 million hours of service.

Union of Concerned Scientists
Citizens and scientists for environmental solutions
Cambridge, MA
Founded in 1969, the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) is an independent alliance of more than 100,000 concerned citizens and scientists. We augment rigorous scientific analysis with innovative thinking and committed citizen advocacy to build a cleaner, healthier environment and a safer world. Through our programs, we connect the best scientific insights with the knowledge and support of an astute citizenry and apply them to the machinery of government at all levels - with results that have set a standard for effective advocacy for decades. Our core group of scientists and engineers work together with citizens across the country to disseminate our findings and alter policies in local communities as well as on the national level.

Waterkeeper Alliance
Clean water - strong communities
Irvington, NY
Waterkeeper Alliance connects and supports local Waterkeeper programs to provide a voice for waterways and their communities worldwide. To champion clean water and strong communities, the Alliance supports and empowers member Waterkeeper organizations to protect communities, ecosystems and water quality; promotes the Waterkeeper model for watershed protection worldwide; and advocates for issues common to Waterkeeper programs. The Alliance is the international center of a network of Waterkeeper programs. The Alliance approves new Waterkeeper programs, licenses use of the Waterkeeper names, represents the individual Waterkeepers on issues of national interest, and serves as a meeting place to exchange information, strategy and know-how.

The Wilderness Society
Protecting America's wilderness since 1935
Washington, DC
Since 1935, The Wilderness Society has worked to protect America's wilderness through the potent combination of science, advocacy and education. We strive to deliver to future generations an unspoiled legacy of wild places, with all the precious values they hold: biological diversity, clean air and water, towering forests, rushing rivers, and sage-sweet, silent deserts. Our programs include: protecting the Arctic Wildlife Refuge from oil and gas drilling; staving off logging and road building on 58 million acres of roadless lands; curbing the abuse of our lands by off-road vehicle users; and protecting wild places within the lower 48 states from rampant oil development. Our vision is to gain lasting protection of another 100 million acres of wild places on America's national lands.

World Resources Institute
Turning ideas into action
Washington, DC
The World Resources Institute (WRI) is an environmental think tank that goes beyond research to find practical ways to protect the earth and improve people's lives. WRI's mission is to move human society to live in ways that protect Earth's environment and its capacity to provide for the needs and aspirations of current and future generations. Because people are inspired by ideas, empowered by knowledge, and moved to change by greater understanding, WRI provides - and helps other institutions provide - objective information and practical proposals for policy and institutional change that will foster environmentally sound, socially equitable development.

World Wildlife Fund
Working to preserve the diversity and abundance of life on Earth
Washington, DC
Known worldwide by its panda logo, World Wildlife Fund (WWF) leads international efforts to protect endangered species and their habitats. Now in its fifth decade, WWF works in more than 100 countries around the globe to conserve the diversity of life on earth. With nearly 1.2 million members in the U.S. and another four million worldwide, WWF is the world's largest privately financed conservation organization. WWF directs its conservation efforts toward three global goals: saving endangered species, protecting endangered habitats and addressing global threats such as toxic pollution, over-fishing and climate change. |